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Brand name
Chick In
Chick In
Franchise Characteristics

Franchise Fees
25.000 USD

Royalty Fees

Marketing Fees

Investments Cost
150 K USD

About The Brand
Chick In is a brand that redefined the chicken gourmet place in town. Chick In main objective is to serve delicious, high-quality food that satisfies differe3nt tastes and preferences. the concept vision revolved around offering casual food that everybody loves.
تشيك ان هى علامه تجاريه اعادت تعريق مكانه طعم الدجاج اللذيذ فى مصر
يتمثل الهدف الرئيسى لاسم تشيك ان فى تقديم طعام لذيذ وعالى الجوده يرضى الاذاق المختلفه
تدور رؤيه المفهوم حوت تقديم طعام سريع جيد يحبه الجميع .
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