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Brand Establishment
New Brand Creation
It is easy to own and establish your own project, but it is difficult for your project to be the distinctive model to be a brand that gives others the right to use it through franchising and this is what we do to help you through the integration of ideas to come out with a distinctive mark as well as put with you the vision that you will start through plans explaining what your project will be like.

واتد كافيه
واتد كافيه مستوحى من الوتد و الهدف منه هو ربط الثقافات ببعضها بإعطائهم طعما مميزا من القهوة ،السندويشات والحلويات الخاصة بنا، خصوصا أننا نستعمل في منتجاتنا حبوب القهوة السعودية.
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